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Surrogacy Options in Cyprus: Things to consider

There is no denying that parenthood through surrogacy can be a far from straightforward journey. North Cyprus has become an increasingly popular destination for individuals and couples considering surrogacy due to its accessibility, medical expertise and cultural acceptance for those exploring surrogacy. Read on if you are evaluating surrogacy as an option and wondering whether North Cyprus would be the right destination choice.

Why Surrogacy?

Deciding on surrogacy is a crucial step on your parenthood journey. If you have explored fertility treatments without success, discussing surrogacy with your doctor may be a beneficial next step. 

Higher Chance of Success: Surrogacy has a relatively higher success rate than IVF and other fertility treatments since surrogate mothers are healthy women who are in their prime childbearing years, with proven pregnancies that they have already carried to term. This is because surrogacy success rates primarily depend on the quality of the eggs and sperm that are used to create the embryos the surrogate then carries to term.

Genetic connection: If the intended mother and father still have viable eggs and sperm, then an embryo created from these and carried to term by a surrogate will give you a child that is biologically completely yours, just as if you had carried the pregnancy yourself. This is called gestational surrogacy. On the other hand, in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is also the egg donor.

Building families for LGBTQ+ individuals: Surrogacy is often the only route to parenthood for same-sex couples and single men, if they want to have a biological child. For more information on surrogacy options for LGBTIQ couples and singles, please contact our team. 

Why surrogacy in Cyprus?

Cyprus has become a popular destination for couples and individuals seeking to build their families through surrogacy as it provides a welcoming environment for surrogacy arrangements. While there’s no specific surrogacy legislation, the country permits embryo transfer to a surrogate, making it a viable option for intended parents. Moreover, Cyprus offers cost-effective surrogacy compared to other countries.

Cyprus primarily caters to gestational surrogacy, offering greater control over the genetic makeup of the child.


Key Considerations for Surrogacy in Cyprus

  1. Surrogate Selection: Finding the right surrogate is a crucial step in your surrogacy journey. A suitable surrogate is one that is not only physically healthy but also emotionally prepared for the process.
  2. Legal Framework: While Cyprus has a generally permissive stance on surrogacy, there aren’t specific laws governing the process, making it important for all parties involved to establish clear agreements and open communication with one another.
  3. Medical Requirements: Both the intended parents and the surrogate must undergo thorough medical evaluations to assess their suitability for the process.
  4. Cost: Surrogacy involves significant financial investment. Consider factors such as surrogate compensation, medical expenses, legal fees, and travel costs.
  5. Travel Arrangements: Plan ahead for visa, travel and accommodation arrangements.
  6. Agency Support: Partnering with a reputable agency for support and guidance often proves to be the best option for individuals and couples considering surrogacy. There are a number of agencies offering support around all aspects of surrogacy in Cyprus, including finding a suitable surrogate. Factors such as the surrogate’s health, lifestyle, and emotional readiness all play an important role in surrogacy. For this reason, a majority of individuals and couples choose to partner with a reliable surrogacy agency who can assist with multiple aspects around the surrogacy process.  


How Dream IVF Cyprus Can Help

Through established partners, we offer comprehensive support and guidance, connecting you with qualified professionals and resources to build your family. Surrogacy services we can facilitate include:

  • Surrogate Matching: Selection of suitable surrogates based on your preferences.
  • Agency and Clinic Coordination: Facilitating communication and partnerships between you, the surrogate, and medical providers.
  • Legal and Ethical Guidance: Providing information and resources to ensure a smooth and compliant process.
  • Travel and Logistics Support: Assisting with visa, travel and accommodation arrangements.
  • Emotional Support: Offering resources and guidance to support your emotional well-being.

Our medical partners are experienced in assisting LGBTIQ individuals and couples on their surrogacy journey. 

If you are considering surrogacy in Cyprus as a potential destination, contact Dream IVF Cyprus. by clicking on the Enquire Now button now.

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